German Historical Institute Washington, D.C.: Fritz Stern Dissertation Prize
Since 1997 the Friends of the German Historical Institute award the Fritz Stern Dissertation Prize for the two best doctoral dissertations on German history written at North American universities.
Dissertations on all periods of German history, on German-American relations, and on the history of Germans in North America are eligible. The winners are invited to the GHI to present their research at the annual symposium of the Friends in November.
Art der Förderung
The prizewinners receive an award of 2.000 dollars and reimbursement for travel to Washington D.C.
Hinweise zur Bewerbung
Dissertation advisers should submit a letter of nomination, an abstract (1-3 pages) of the dissertation, and a digital version of the dissertation in "Reduced Size PDF" format via e-mail to
For more information, please visit the website.
Candidates are nominated by their dissertation advisers. Their dissertations must have been completed, defended, and authenticated between January 1 and December 31.
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