Falling Walls Foundation: A.T. Kearney Scholarship

The Falling Walls Lab is a challenging, inspiring and interdisciplinary format for outstanding talents. It offers the next generation of excellent academics and professionals from all fields of science and research a stage to present their innovative ideas, research projects and social initiatives.

Each participant is asked to present his/her work in 3 minutes. The best ideas will be awarded by a prestigious jury from science and business and the three winners will pitch their project on the grande stage of the Falling Walls Conference in front of a large international audience.

Art der Förderung

All participants will be granted an A.T. Kearney Scholarship for the Falling Walls Conference.

IMPORTANT: Please make sure that you have chosen the Lab closest to your location. Keep in mind that travel and accommodation expenses are not covered.

Hinweise zur Bewerbung

You can apply for the Falling Walls Lab Germany. The online application form and dates can be found on the Falling Walls website.

Please email your questions to lab@falling-walls.com


The Falling Walls Lab addresses scholars, researchers and scientists (MA-students, PhD-/ doctoral candidates and post-docs) as well as entrepreneurs, engineers and young professionals in the early stages of their careers. The format invites innovators from all areas of science, the humanities, arts, business and technology.

For further information on our eligibility criteria visit our website

Art des Stipendiums
  • Forschungsprojekte
  • Zuschüsse für Sach- oder Reisekosten
  • Preise & Auszeichnungen
Geförderte Studienabschlüsse
  • Diplom/Magister-Studenten
  • Master-Studenten
  • Bachelor-Studenten
  • Promovierende
  • MBA-Studenten
  • Wissenschaftler

Kontakt zum Stipendiengeber

Stipendium sichern

Weitere Preise und Auszeichnungen