World Bank Institute: Joint Japan/ World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program

Established in 1987 with funding from the Government of Japan, the Joint Japan / World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program (JJ/WBGSP) has helped create an international community of development professionals through the Program’s financing of graduate and post-graduate studies.

The JJ/WBGSP supports 11 Partnership Programs with universities around the world. These programs enable scholars to receive specialized training in key areas of development, such as economic policy management or infrastructure management. 906 scholars have studied Partner Universities.

Art der Förderung

The JJ/WBGSP scholarship provides the recipient with the following benefits:

  • Economy class air travel between your home country and the host university at the start of your study program and immediately following the end of the scholarship period. In addition to the two-way air travel, scholars will receive a 500 US Dollar travel allowance for each trip;
  • Tuition for your graduate program and the cost of basic medical insurance usually obtained through the university.
  • A monthly subsistence allowance to cover living expenses, including books. The amount of the allowance varies depending on the host country.

Please note all JJ/WBGSP scholarships cover the duration of the graduate program or two years, whichever is less.

Hinweise zur Bewerbung

More information on the website.

Art des Stipendiums
  • Allgem. Förderung, Lebensunterhalt
  • Großbritannien / Irland
  • Kanada
  • USA
  • Mittel- und Südamerika
  • Sonstige (Asien)
  • Sonstige (International)
  • Schweiz
  • Frankreich
  • Niederlande
  • Belgien
Geförderte Studienabschlüsse
  • Diplom/Magister-Studenten
  • Master-Studenten
  • MBA-Studenten

Geförderte Fachrichtungen

Geistes-, Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaften

Erziehungswissenschaften (Pädagogik), Sonderpädagogik


Sozialwesen, Politikwissenschaften, Sozialwissenschaften


Wirtschafts- und Gesellschaftslehre, Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen, Wirtschaftswissenschaften

Agrar-, Forst- und Ernährungswissenschaften

Agrarwissenschaften, Lebensmittel- und Getränketechnologie, Forstwissenschaft, Holzwirtschaft, Landespflege, Umweltgestaltung


Gesundheitswissenschaften allgemein


Ingenieurwesen allgemein, Raumplanung

Kontakt zum Stipendiengeber

Stipendium sichern

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