Lady Davis Fellowship Trust: Studying and Researching at the Hebrew University, Israel
The Lady Davis Fellowship Trust seeks to make the cultural heritage of Israel & its achievements in development, state-building, scholarship, science & education widely available & known to people from all over the world.
Art der Förderung
Visiting Professorships: 2 to 4 months; 2.650 USD (per month).
Post-Doctoral Researchers: 9-12 months; NIS. 5.404 (per month) for candidates who have held their Doctorates for less than two years before they take up the Fellowship. Post-Doctoral candidates who have held their Doctorates for more than two years will receive NIS. 5.971 (per month); NIS 1.000 rental allowance (per month).
Hinweise zur Bewerbung
For the academic year from October 1st, 2023 to September 30th, 2024:
Visiting Professorships Deadline:
November 30th, 2022
Post-doctoral Researchers Deadline:
December 31st, 2022
Post-doctoral Researchers (one year extension) Deadline:
December 31st, 2022
For Visiting Professors:
- Please read carefully the paragraph below headed, "You must have an academic sponsor..."
- You must be a Full or an Associate professor.
- Visiting Professorships are only awarded to candidates who apply from Universities outside of Israel.
- Visiting Professors are typically expected to teach. The Academic Committee will favourably view an application that includes an intention to teach courses or participate in or lead seminars. Visiting Professors also engage in research with their hosts, or interact with other Faculty members. The precise mix of activities will be mutually decided upon by the Visitor and his/her academic sponsor.
- Visiting Professors who have been awarded a Fellowship for 2015-16 may reapply for another providing at least 3 academic years have elapsed between applications. In other words, a Visiting Professor, who has been awarded a Fellowship for 2015-16, may apply again for the year 2019-20
For Post -Doctoral Researchers:
- Please read carefully the paragraph below headed, "You must have an academic sponsor..."
- if you are applying for the Academic Year 2017-2018 you must have received your Doctorate not earlier than the first of October, 2012.
- You will not be allowed to apply if you have pursued Post-Doctoral research at Hebrew University for 4 academic years preceding your application.
- Fellowships are rarely awarded to candidates who acquired their Doctorate at the Hebrew University and who wish to continue immediately after the Doctorate with a Post-Doctoral Fellowship - such candidates are required to contact the Trust's office for further details
(Tel. 02-651-2306).
- Art des Stipendiums
- Forschungsprojekte
- Studium im Ausland
- Zielregionen
- Israel
- Geförderte Studienabschlüsse
- Promovierende
- Habilitanden
Geförderte Fachrichtungen
Geistes-, Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaften
Allgemeine und vergleichende Literatur und Sprachwissenschaft, Altphilologie (klass. Philologie), Neugriechisch, Anglistik, Amerikanistik, Außereuropäische Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaften, Bibliothekswissenschaft, Dokumentation, Publizistik, Erziehungswissenschaften (Pädagogik), Evang. Theologie, -Religionslehre, Germanistik (Deutsch, germanische Sprachen ohne Anglistik), Kath. Theologie, -Religionslehre, Kulturwissenschaften i.e.S., Romanistik, Slawistik, Baltistik, Finno-Ugristik, Sonderpädagogik, Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaften allgemein, Geschichte, Philosophie, Psychologie
Sozialwesen, Politikwissenschaften, Sozialwissenschaften
Regionalwissenschaften, Verwaltungswissenschaft, Wirtschafts- und Gesellschaftslehre, Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen, Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Agrar-, Forst- und Ernährungswissenschaften
Agrarwissenschaften, Lebensmittel- und Getränketechnologie, Ernährungs- und Haushaltswissenschaften, Forstwissenschaft, Holzwirtschaft, Landespflege, Umweltgestaltung
Humanmedizin (ohne Zahnmedizin), Zahnmedizin, Gesundheitswissenschaften allgemein
Ingenieurwesen allgemein, Maschinenbau/Verfahrenstechnik, Verkehrstechnik, Nautik, Vermessungswesen, Bergbau, Hüttenwesen, Elektrotechnik, Architektur, Innenarchitektur, Bauingenieurwesen, Raumplanung
Kunst, Kunstwissenschaft
Darstellende Kunst, Film und Fernsehen, Theaterwissenschaft, Gestaltung, Kunst, Kunstwissenschaft allgemein, Musik, Musikwissenschaft
Mathematik, Naturwissenschaften
Biologie, Chemie, Geographie, Geowissenschaften (ohne Geographie), Informatik, Mathematik, Naturwissenschaften allgemein, Pharmazie, Physik, Astronomie
Kontakt zum Stipendiengeber
Stipendium sichern
Weitere Stipendien für Forschungsprojekte