IAB Graduate Programme: Sieben Doktorandenstipendien
The Institute for Employment Research (IAB) and the School of Business and Economics of the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg have set up a programme to support doctoral proposals in the field of labour market research.
The aim of the programme is to train outstanding junior researchers from the social sciences and economics disciplines in the field of labour market and occupational research.
Art der Förderung
- There is a monthly scholarship of 1.350 euros. Additionally, each scholarship holder receives 1.800 euros a year for the participation in conferences and training but also for other dissertation relevant expenditures.
- The scholarship is granted for the period of a year. The maximum period of support is 3 years.
- GradAB doctoral students with a child under three years of age are offered a part-time scholarship with a duration of up to five years.
We expect excellent academic qualifications, an especial interest in and enthusiasm for issues of the labour market and occupational research, and personal qualities that promise success in completing the programme.
Preference will be given to dissertation proposals that would profit in a special way from being attached to IAB and from which IAB itself might profit in a special way. If the preparation of the project outline reveals the need for better knowledge of the IAB data resources there is the possibility to visit the IAB for conducting data research.
- Art des Stipendiums
- Allgem. Förderung, Lebensunterhalt
- Abschlussarbeiten
- Geförderte Studienabschlüsse
- Promovierende
Geförderte Fachrichtungen
Sozialwesen, Sozialwissenschaften
Regionalwissenschaften, Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Kontakt zum Stipendiengeber
Stipendium sichern
Weitere Stipendien für Promovierende