Student marketing online: Online portrait for universities and study programs

What distinguishes your university or program from comparable offerings? Why is it worth studying at your university? With an online university portrait at, you can reach Germany's best students with your arguments - presented in a modern way and without much effort.
Online-Porträt für Hochschule oder Studiengang - Studierendenmarketing mit

Four facts about the online university portrait

>250.000 talents in our network

2 newsletter entries

135.000 recipients of the study infoletter

12 months online

Your key benefits

  • Premium target group: At, your student marketing reaches the best students and young professionals in Germany and Austria.
  • No additional costs: Newsletter entries and ongoing support for the online university portrait are already included in our service.
  • Appealing texts: You provide the input - our experienced editors do the fine-tuning. Large-format photos, videos or image galleries round off the result.
  • Uncomplicated processing: You would like to make a change to your online university portrait, advertise an info day or find out the current call-up figures? An e-mail or a phone call is all it takes.
We appreciate the cooperation with very much. Through their appealing and targeted advertising, we have received a lot of positive feedback and have already been able to attract some participants for our courses.
Christina Hagenbring, Institute for Law and Finance, Goethe University Frankfurt

These universities have already booked our portrait

Bucerius Law School, Centrum für Unternehmensrechnung der WWU Münster, ESCP Europe, HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management, IE Business School & IE University, LMU München, Mannheim Business School, University of Southern California, WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management, Zeppelin Universität

Our services = your advantages

Basic portrait
  • Yes Creation of the online portrait as well as editorial adjustments upon request
  • 2 Entries in the newsletters that match your target groups
  • 0 Interview with a student or graduate of your choice
Premium portrait
  • Yes Creation of the online portrait as well as editorial adjustments upon request
  • 5 Entries in the newsletters that match your target groups
  • 1 Interview with a student or graduate of your choice
Basic portrait
Premium portrait
Creation of the online portrait as well as editorial adjustments upon request Yes Yes
Entries in the newsletters that match your target groups 2 5
Interview with a student or graduate of your choice 0 1
1.500 Euro 3.000 Euro

More information about the online portraits of e‑

Target group and reach of an online profile

With an online profile at, you literally hit two flys with one flap: You increase your visibility in search engines and specifically address the more than 250,000 members of, including the best high school graduates, students, and young professionals in Germany.

Students from all disciplines are represented in the network.

Differences between a university portrait and a program portrait

In the university portrait, we focus on your university. What study conditions await the reader there? What is your USP? We present the courses on offer in abbreviated form, for example as a list of your degree programs with links to your website.

In contrast to a university portrait, a program portrait describes the content, process and characteristics of an individual program. It is particularly suitable if you want to attract specific applicants for this program. At, you can present bachelor's, master's and doctoral programs as well as MBAs/Executive MBAs or LL.M.

We will advise you in a personal meeting which form is best for you. Whether you choose a university or study program portrait has no effect on the services and costs. Please also contact us if you do not find yourself in any of the above categories. We will be happy to work out a solution together with you.

Profile creation process

fter booking you will receive a short questionnaire from us, which you fill in with your details. You are also welcome to send us flyers, brochures or links to your website. Based on this, we create the portrait, which we then send to you for approval. Only after you have given your approval will the text appear online. It takes no longer than two to four weeks for your online university portrait to appear online.

Our service saves you time and effort: we know our target group best and thus help you to achieve the optimal appearance.

Newsletter marketing with sends out four newsletters promoting universities and degree programs:

  • Student newsletter to 3.500 high school seniors and high school graduates, monthly
  • Newsletter for scholarship holders and members to 53.000 students, weekly
  • Newsletter for alumni and young professionals to 100.000 professionals, every 14 days
  • Study infoletter sent to 135.000 students and professionals, monthly

Within the newsletter, we advertise your online university profile to the appropriate target group, i.e. to recipients who are eligible for your study program due to their field of study. We also coordinate your newsletter entries with your application deadlines, information days or other important dates. You are also welcome to tell us your preferred dates.

That is why we are the right choice for you

Feel free to contact me!

Further information and booking

Wir haben zufriedene Kunden

Wir unterstützen jedes Jahr rund 350 Unternehmen und Hochschulen. Mit unserem exklusiven Zugang und unserer Qualitätsgarantie unterscheiden wir uns von anderen Anbietern und haben daher viele treue Fans. Zahlen gefällig?

  • 13 von aktuell rund 27 Premium-Partnern vertrauen uns seit über 10 Jahren.
  • 20 der 25 umsatzstärksten Managementberatungen in Deutschland sind unsere Kunden.
  • 16 der 20 besten Kanzleien im Azur-Ranking haben 2022 für die Gewinnung hervorragend qualifizierter Jurist:innen genutzt.
  • Durchschnittlich 98 Prozent der Kunden empfehlen unsere Veranstaltungen weiter.

Eine Auswahl unserer Kunden und ausgewählte Stimmen finden Sie auf unserer Startseite für Unternehmen und Hochschulen.